Starla P.

Don’t Quit

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the hill you’re going down seems to be going
Uphill, when your funds are low and the debts are high
Even when you think you can’t anymore, DON’T QUIT
Never give up when you get knocked down, you need
To try, try and try even more.
Even when people or friends say You CAN’T
Don’t listen to them, only believe in yourself
I know you wanna smile when your situation is hard,
but you have only sighs
You don’t know what to do
You have to make the best of it and don’t quit
Don’t quit when you lose because you might make a blow next time.
Don’t Quit because you think you’re not good at something or
Because someone told you that you can’t.
Prove them wrong
When you try, you will always do well, because you put  your heart and soul into it
Dedication is the key along with hard work
I want everyone to know… DON’T Quit when things are hard!
Life is strange with its twists and turns
As everyone learns
Success is failure turned inside out
The silver tint of the cloud of doubts
Don’t give up when you are the hardest hit

Starla P.