Justin Lacour: A Marriage


In this poem there is the man the woman and the snake also the garden and God walks through the garden in the cool of the day the woman talks to God the woman cannot talk to the man the woman has questions the man does not have questions the man thinks about the place between the woman’s legs the snake is always hungry yet keeps growing outgrows her tree the snake watches the man the woman nothing can grow inside the man the snake says the man is not magical



i could have left the snake out of this poem just had the man the woman in the garden but i think if there’s a hole in a marriage something will fill it up there’s no quiet place in this house for me to write children with questions and spilled drinks though some poems can only be written with the help of children this is one of them i think like i believe my wife and i once walked in another country speaking a language only we shared through the dark forests i thought this would be forever  

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