Maureen Alsop

Maureen Alsop, Ph.D. is the author of seven books of poetry Arbor Vitae, Tender to Empress; Pyre; Later, Knives & Trees; Mirror Inside Coffin; Mantic; Apparition Wren (also a Spanish Edition, Reyezuelo Aparición, translated by Mario Domínguez Parra); and several chapbooks She is the winner of several poetry prizes including those from Harpur Palate and Bitter Oleander and was recently shortlisted for Montreal International Poetry Prize. Her poems have appeared in numerous journals including Columbia Review, The Laurel Review, AGNI, Blackbird, Tampa Review, DIAGRAM, Action Yes, Drunken Boat, Memorious, The Kenyon Review, and featured on Verse Daily. She has a debut book of fiction forthcoming from Erratum Press as well as short story forthcoming with South Dakota Review.